Sugar Alcohol, Anyone?

I’ve been noticing a trend in my practice… Seemingly erratic minor digestive ‘hickups’ that have nothing to do with food allergies or even sensitivities. They don’t seem to be tied to the ingestion of the usual suspects, like gluten or dairy. And although symptoms may be traced to eating a certain food on some days, […]

How to Love Your Pancreas

These lyrics from a Weird Al Yankovic song likely do not describe you. Chances are you don’t give your pancreas much thought – let alone love or attention – until you experience some unpleasant symptoms. Here is why you just may want to start loving on this key organ: Overeating and overloading on processed foods, […]

Get to Know Your Pancreas

Let’s be honest: Unless we’ve been diagnosed with some condition, we don’t really give any thought to our inner organs, and we know surprisingly little about where they are, what they do, and why and how we should take good care of them. Why not change this in 2017, and get a tad bit more […]

Keeping A Nutrition Journal

Why keep a food, activity and mood journal? Tracking how (much) you move, what you eat and drink, and how it makes you feel? Sounds like work… Here are some reasons why you might want to try it anyways, at least for a few days: Probably the greatest benefit of journaling is what YOU get […]

Appease Your Inner Radicals (It’s Easy, with Antioxidants)

What do YOU think of when you hear the term ‘free radicals‘? Personally, I had images of high school bullies, political fanatics or soccer hooligans pop up at the thought of a free radical – until I studied the concept during my nutrition training. In short, radicals are highly reactive chemicals that can damage your […]

No Breakfast Without Protein

You’ve probably heard your (or someone else’s) grandma say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Well, she was on to something… A prolonged state of fasting is stressful for your system, and can disrupt your metabolism, affect your blood chemistry and dampen your cognitive (brain) power. If you’re trying to control […]

Got Iron?

For much of my life, I was ‘critically anemic’, a.k.a. severely deficient in iron. Back then, I thought this was something I was dealt in life, like some people were ‘dealt’ with high blood pressure or diabetes. For a while, I took daily walnut-size capsules of ferrous sulfate (at least that’s what they felt like), […]

The Sunshine ‘Vitamin’

We have all heard that some people may get low in vitamin D in the WINTER. So why am I writing about it now that it’s finally getting nice out? Simply said, you may have a blistering sunburn on your face, yet still be lacking this vital hormone-nutrient. In order to get enough of it, […]