These lyrics from a Weird Al Yankovic song likely do not describe you. Chances are you don’t give your pancreas much thought – let alone love or attention – until you experience some unpleasant symptoms. Here is why you just may want to start loving on this key organ:

Overeating and overloading on processed foods, sugars, alcohol, caffeine and unhealthy fats (think greasy, fried foods or hydrogenated oils) will exhaust even a healthy person’s digestive system. If your pancreas repeatedly has to deal with the above factors, it may not be able to do its job of making life saving enzymes and hormones for your brain, liver, kidney and digestive tract. Serious health issues can be the result.

To help keep your little pear-shaped friend happy and healthy, get enough exercise, preferably doing a variety of your favorite outdoor activities. Moreover, your entire system benefits when you find rituals and strategies to de-stress and relax. Take a minute and write down what makes you feel calm, and make sure to refer to this “zen-list” regularly.

Of course, a big part of pancreas health has to do with how much, how frequently and how well you eat.    Simply put, you want to follow a mostly organic, whole food, plant-based diet.

Here are some tips:

Eat regular, smaller meals throughout the day, each with a good balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats (ask your nutrition consultant for the right ratio for you)

Replace refined carbs with whole grains, and table sugar and sugar substitutes with natural sweeteners, such as stevia leaf or small amounts of maple syrup or molasses. This will avoid blood sugar spikes, which can really stress your pancreas.

Enjoy a rainbow of colorful veggies, which provide healthy fiber and lots of nutrients. Recent studies show that dark leafy greens may be particularly pancreas-friendly. Try adding them to scrambles, salads or smoothies!

To stimulate the production of bile and pancreatic juices, consider taking a teaspoon of digestive bitters 10 minutes before a main meal, or drinking dandelion tea.

Homemade meals are extra-nourishing. Try out some recipes with lots of cinnamon, ginger or turmeric!

If you can splurge on just a couple of extra-high quality foods, choose organic animal products. Eggs from pasture-raised chickens are not only nutritionally superior, they also taste better! Moreover, you can keep your pancreas from having to deal with toxins that may have been in the foods or medicines administered to commercially produced meats and dairy products.

Finally, here’s the “Thou Shalt Not” part you have been waiting for:

                     DO NOT smoke and limit your alcohol and coffee intake.

                     DO drink 6-8 glasses of filtered water every day. Your pancreas will thank you.

If you are already dealing with an exhausted or even inflamed pancreas, speak to your doctor and nutrition professional about it. For instance, you may want to follow an individualized lower-fat diet and/or take some supplemental enzymes.


References available upon request.
